The Apex Court on Tuesday rebuked the governments of Maharashtra and Delhi for failing to file affidavits before the court showing compliance with the welfare enactments for migrant workers. A Bench comprising of Justices Ashok Bhushan, R Subhash Reddy and M R Shah had passed an order on July 31 in a suo motu case on Covid-19 migrant worker crisis which required the states to submit an affidavit showing the implementation of Inter-State Migrant Workmen Act,1979, the Construction Workers Act, 1996 and the Unorganised Workers’ Social Security Act, 2008.
Without mincing words, the court said that the two states had the maximum number of migrant workers and yet they failed to comply with the court order which showed their lack of interest in the matter. “Although various States have filed their reply but the States of Maharashtra and NCT of Delhi have not filed their affidavits in compliance with our order dated 31.07.2020. The States of Maharashtra and Delhi are the States where maximum number of migrants have come and are working”, the court noted.